viernes, 27 de febrero de 2015

Review: Lucy

The history alternate the presentation of a professor that explain the hypothesis  what would happen if people use more than 10% of the brain capacity. And what will occur to Lucy, a girl who lives in Taiwan.
She is kidnapped by a mafia because of her boyfriend. This mob has created a new drug, and want to share this to European and American market by introducing the drug into the bodies of a few tourists (including Lucy). Because of strokes that she give, the bag of drugs is broken and her body absorbs the substance. This substance seems that affects the brain and all of her senses increase, include the intelligence. She manages to escape and goes to hospital because the doctors remove the bag of her body. She decides to punish the Mafia and his boss, but don't kill this. As % of their brain capacity increases, so do their abilities.
 Finally she gets in touch with the professor to knows better that happens. As that was approaching to 100% capacity utilization of the brain decides to keep all information known to the universe in a USB. Finally get to 100% and she decays and becomes everything.
I keen on the film, and is quite entertaining. I think it is possible that the hypothesis posed in the film is true, but it's quite surreal. Also if I don't believe this that people can only use 10% of our brain capacity.

miércoles, 18 de febrero de 2015

Local Motors shows Strati, the world’s first 3D-printed car

News link         Information about Strati

The Detroit Auto Show of 2015, showed the first car made from a 3D printer, the Strati. It's a urban and electrical car.
Although this news does not say it, unlike normal cars, which are formed by thousands of pieces, the Strati is compound for only 40 pieces. This cause it much cheaper production costs, and takes just 44 hours to manufacture the vehicle.
One of the advantages is that after a while, if you wish, will melt the carcase and create a new one.
Although it does not seem much, can reach 40 km / h, but for the city not needs more. This costs between € 15,000 and € 20,000. But I think that for a car to go to the city is very expensive.

Personally think that these cars have a future, but not at this price. Also what is good is that you can design your own model of car.

viernes, 13 de febrero de 2015

Dídac's description

Dídac has lived in Vilamacolum for 3 years. In his home has a lot of animals. He's studing scientist batxillerat. He's keen on basketball and bad at lenguages.

He's usually wearing a hoodie and a pair of tracksuits pants and a pair of trainers too. He's got a broad shoulders and is well buit, a roundish face with freckles and a pair of dark green-eyed. He's pale-skinned and always this disheveled and active, friendly, generous and sometimes agressive when somebody bother him and also lazy and crazy.

He's a very good friend because he's respectful but often he's very crazy.