jueves, 31 de diciembre de 2015

Hendo 2.0: The $10,000 hoverboard that will send you right into the future

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The Hendo 2.0

Who don't see "Back to the future" and wish to have a skateboard like the film, that can levitate. Well this technology is not so far away.
The hoveboard called Hendo use a technology what is known "Magnetic Field Architecture". This new invention is the result of a collaboration with skateboard maestro Tony Hawk. The explanation how work this invention for levitate according Greg Henderson, co-founder and CEO of Arx Pax, the company behind the invention: "The hover engine creates a primary magnetic field which is then put over a candidate surface like aluminum or copper. The hover engine then creates swirls of electricity and those create a secondary magnetic field, which propels the firsts." The co-founders think that this technology can be so useful in many sectors of the industry.

miércoles, 30 de diciembre de 2015

200-year-old fossil mystery resolved

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   A virtual model of the reptile was constructed from a German plesiosaur known as MeyerasaurusHow the plesiosaur might have looked

Called plesiosaurs are predatory marine reptiles that lived at the time of the dinosaurs. The plesiosaur was discovered by the fossil hunter Mary Anning in 1821. Scientists have reconstructed this ancient reptile. 
On the last years the scientists tried to know how this reptile moves. The debate has continued until today, because the paleontologists were divided on whether the marine creature used its four limbs for rowing like turtles and penguins or some sort of combination of the two. The study, published in the scientific journal PLOS ONE, is based on a computer simulation of a Jurassic fossil from Germany. This simulation suggest that the plesiosaur moved through the water like a penguin, using its front limbs as paddles and back limbs for steering.
Dr Smith and co-researchers at the Georgia Institute of Technology in Atlanta say: "We conclude that plesiosaurs were forelimb-dominated swimmers that used their hind limbs mainly for manoeuvrability and stability." 

domingo, 27 de diciembre de 2015

This Super Stylish Smartwatch Was Designed for the Blind

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Students and entrepreneurs from the United States and South Korea has developed a smartwatch for the blind. This smartwatch is called Dot and can show four braille characters at a time. Each character space has six active pins that rise and fall to produce the combinations of the braille alphabet and numerical system. 
The watch connects vie Bluetooth to a smartphone and uses a actuator powered by magnets to raise and lower the pins. Dot can shows texts, notifications, tweets and the time. If the user recive notifications this machine will vibrate. Before this new invention the blind people only can use smarthphones with vocal systems like Siri to read texts out loud.
You can start to buy Dot in the United States and Canada sometime in 2016 for $300, more cheaply than the existing braille machines.
This will be so helpful for the social life of blind people, but I don't think that is extremely necessary for a person. 

jueves, 10 de diciembre de 2015

Virtual reality

Currently the virtual reality is on the top the of innovation in the entertainment industry and many enterprises (like HTC, Sony, Microsoft and Facebook) are interested in this and they invest a lot of money to be the first. But now a days not all the people can buy this because for the moment it isn't on the market. When you play with any machine of virtual reality, you can see thanks a special glasses a new world (the world of the video game that are you playing). When you move the head the glasses detect this movement and move the screen that you see with the same direction and movement that you move your head. Fortunately this technology is very investigate and on less than a year this virtual reality will be on the market, but no one knows the price of this.

Hunger games mockingjay-part 2

The film is the second part of the third film of the trilogy of The Hunger Games. It's important that you saw the others films, because if you didn't see the others, you don't know the beginning and the story, or the other possiblility is read the books. The story continues with Katniss in the sector 13. They are preparing the war against the Capitol. At first katniss only help the sector 13 with her image, because she is the symbol of the revolution, and when the soldier see him they are more encouraged. Katniss was wishing that the sector 13 rescue Peeta and the other tributes, but when they return her best friend, discover that the Capitol manipulated Peeta to use him like a weapon against Katniss. For this reason she decide go with the soldiers because she wants to kill the president Snow, the leader of the Capitol. During the way to go to the President's mansion, she and her troop's colleagues, they had to pass a lot of enemies and taps, and most of them died. Finally the sector 13 wins and capture Snow. When Katniss was on the square to kill the president Snow with an arrow, but he discover that the bombing who killed her sister was produced by the sector's 13 forces and not by the Capitol's forces, and she diced to kill the sector's 13 leader. This means that she had to leave to her house where she and Peeta created a new life.
This film is better than the last but it isn't the best. Principally because the third book it isn't more good thant the first or the second, in my opinion. But is a good film because is exactly or quite exatly than the book and I enjoy it.