jueves, 19 de mayo de 2016

Barcino review

Luci Minici was a roman that had lived in Barcino. When he was 7 years old his father who had an important position in the roman army brought a young slave and his mother for work for his family. This slave called Teseu have the same age of Luci and became the nightmare of our protagonist during his childhood.
Teseu did some malicios actions but the family of Luci thinks that he have fault. Not until he is 16 years old that his mother realizes that who stole the jewels was the mother of Teseu and ordered to kill her, after that Teseu run away and disappears. After that Luci enlisted to the army with his father. During his years he got some titles and thanks that he met the emperor Adrià. They became friends easily because both were educated people.
One they during a carriage racing Luci realize that one of the charioteers was Teseu.
Luci who was a good chariotter too challenge Teseu a one race. If Teseu win he will be free, but if the winner is Luci, the former slave have to become a slave again. Teseu can't win to Luci and decide commite suicide before became a slave. 
Some years after when his father is in the bed about to die explain to Luci that Teseu was his son.


As we are at the end of the course, I can express what I experience in batxillerat.
My first thought was that year I had to work more than a quarter, which I didn't do so much. At first was a bit difficult start but then I carry on enought good. After I had been a bit stabilized, as we getting close to the end all the subjects was more harder for me because I considered it boring and I was easily distracted.
Actually this year (second high school) came with no desire to study although I did it. But as long I studied more for the subjects I was more unhappy, specially for one subject called history of filosofy, my eternal enemy. For this reason the third trimester I exploded. Although I thought at first I won't pass and this didn't matter to me, but I don't want to stay one year more in the high school.

Google takes right to be forgotten battle to France's highest court

Google is seeking to overturn a ruling that would greatly extend the remit of the right to be forgotten.

Google has delisted about 600000 search results after requests of doing so had been made in Europe, but these results appear anywhere outside Europe, because its law has no power there. 
However, CNIL thought this wasn't enough, and required google to apply the right to be forgotten worldwide. The firm has rejected the request, thus starting a 10 month of fights that lead to today appellation. 
Ken Walker, Google’s general counsel states that laws will be complied inside the countries in which these laws must be complied. The CNIL thinks that for right to be forgotten to be effective, information must be filtered globally.

The right to be forgotten is a difficult law to apply, and will lead to controversy and ethical disputes. I think Google should protect his database.
The CNIL doesn't have jurisdiction to dictate global laws nor control over any kind of activity carried out by google outside its domains. Google have the right to appeal, otherwise, the trust of the information could be manipulated by any country.

Don't try this at home: Colin Furze's crazy homemade hoverbike

Colin Furze has created a homemade hoverbike, and managed to avoid serious injury in the process

The hoverboards aren't a new thing. Many enterprises had made a lot of prototypes. Some of these are more complete than others, and can operate better. But one guy called Colin Furze make a homemade hoverbike with the financing of Ford.
The initial design had two motors and propellors mounted to the bottom of the frame and turning in the same direction, but this didn't go well and Furze switched to an S-shaped metal frame that allowed each propeller to rotate in opposite directions.
Although this crazy invention seems that it can't fly and looks close to crashing, this guy is able to control it but is difficult because with a simple spin the hoverboard moves too. Colin wants to incorporate more things like a stabilization system, but the machine can't hold this weight yet.

I saw more of his inventions and all of them are magnificent and crazy at the same time. If you imagine a crazy inventor, Colin Furze is your man.

miércoles, 18 de mayo de 2016

Hacker advertises details of 117 million LinkedIn users on darknet

LinkedIn logo

A hacker who allegedly owns the log information of over 100 million LinkedIn users is advertising the data for sale for the price of 5 bitcoins, approximately £1,500.
The data was hacked 4 years ago, and LinkedIn had reset the affected accounts. However, the amount of affected users is greater than what it expected.
Cory Scott, information security officer of the firm does not believe that this information was obtained through a security breach. The site is taking steps to invalidate the passwords of the accounts affected.

£1,500 are a bargain if we are talking about the information of more than 100 million users. The malicious possibilities of so much information are infinite. It seems like Cory Scott is trying to protect his workplace after this massive security breach, because I don’t know how a hacker can obtain the passwords without internet.

domingo, 1 de mayo de 2016

China's Massive Pollution is Indicative of Broader Problems

News link


China have a severe crisis about his enviroment because most of the cities have too much pollution in the air and in some cities it was 50 times the level the World Health Organization considers safe. But unfurtanetly seems that the Chinese goverment is unaware of this big problem.
In 2013 was celebrate the sixth annual Beijing Human Rights Forum. The theme was environmental rights. But the problem is that you can’t have meaningful environmental rights without other basic rights. And the Chinese government is violating them.
China have around 450 cancer villages (communities near factories or chemical plants where cancer rates far exceed national averages), but if this people ask for help to the govern they are ignored.
Although Beijing announced a commitment to addressing the environmental problem in China, the country have already many environmental protection laws, but they weren't apply.

All know about the big problem that China have with the pollution, but I think it's too difficult to solve because the Government always permit everything to the enterprises if these pay to it. And the Goverment are agree that the enterprises come to China because the value of the country rise but the people continue poor.