domingo, 21 de febrero de 2016

Bad use of technology

Now a days I don't see the television because I don't enjoy the content, where before I watched so much it. For this reason, recently, I see series and many videos of youtube on my computer. But, unfortunately, sometimes this have bad consequences, because while I do homework I watch a video that don't allow to focus all of me on my work. The smartphone, also is a bad thing to have near of you. Because is so easy that you take it and watch some social network. This simple movement of the hands will make you lose half an hour or more.
For this reason, if you want to end some work appropriately and eficiente and if you don't want to distract with other things, is better if you don't take on the phone and if the work doesn't require the computer is better not use it because you will be tempted to look social networks for your entertainment.

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