domingo, 26 de octubre de 2014

Teens Walk Into Busy Apple Store And Film Themselves Bending The iPhone 6

News link

A lot of people know the new iPhone 6 and its problems of bending.                         
So to demonstrate that it's true, two boys went to the Apple store one day after iPhone 6 went out in the market, and began to bend all iPhones that they found in the store.

I think what these two guys did, was very daring, although it is a wrongdoing, and should not be done, I understand his reason. Because I believe that what Apple is doing it's a scam, but who want to pay hundreds of dollars for a defective mobile.                                                
Apple, at the time of outcry of the people against ease that bends the iPhone 6 have to apologize to the people for the defective product, at minimum.

Rebel song


   I remembered black skies
 Recordava cels negres
The lightning all around me
El llamp al meu voltant
I remembered each flash
Recordava cada flash
As time began to blur
Amb el temps va començar a desdibuixar
Like a startling sign
Com un alarmant signe
That fate had finally found me
Que el destí finalment m'havia trobat
And your voice was all I heard
I la teva veu va ser tot el que vaig sentir
That I get what I deserve
Que em mereixo
So give me reason

Així que em donen la raó
To prove me wrong
Per demostrar que estic equivocat
To wash this memory clean
Per rentar aquesta memòria neta
Let the floods cross the distance in your eyes
Deixa que s'inundi la distància entre els teus ulls
Give me reason
Dóna'm la raó
To fill this hole
Per omplir aquest forat
Connect the space between
Connecteu l'espai entre
Let it be enough to reach the truth that lies
 Que sigui suficient per assolir la veritat que es troba
Across this new divide

A través d'aquesta nova divisió
There was nothing in sight
No hi havia res a la vista 
But memories left abandoned
Però records abandonats 
There was nowhere to hide
No hi havia cap lloc per amagar
The ashes fell like snow
Les cendres com la neu va caure 
And the ground caved in
I el terreny cedit
Between where we were standing
Entre on estàvem aturats 
And your voice was all I heard
I la teva veu va ser tot el que vaig sentir
That I get what I deserve
Que em mereixo
So give me reason

Així que em donen la raó
To prove me wrong
Per demostrar que estic equivocat 
To wash this memory clean
Per rentar aquesta memòria neta
Let the floods cross the distance in your eyes
Deixa que s'inundi la distància entre els teus ulls
Across this new divide
A través d'aquesta nova divisió
In every loss in every lie
En totes les pèrdues en cada mentida
In every truth that you'd deny
En veritat tots els que et neguen
And each regret and each goodbye
I cada lament i cada adéu
Was a mistake too great to hide
Va ser un error massa gran com per ocultar
And your voice was all I heard
I la teva veu va ser tot el que vaig sentir
That I get what I deserve
Que em mereixo
So give me reason

Així que em donen la raó
To prove me wrong
Per demostrar que estic equivocat
To wash this memory clean
Per rentar aquesta memòria neta
Let the floods cross the distance in your eyes
Deixa que s'inundi la distància entre els teus ulls
Give me reason
Dóna'm la raó
To fill this hole
Per omplir aquest forat
Connect the space between
Connecteu l'espai entre
Let it be enough to reach the truth that lies
Que sigui suficient per assolir la veritat que es troba
Across this new divide
A través d'aquesta nova divisió
Across this new divide
A través d'aquesta nova divisió
Across this new divide
A través d'aquesta nova divisió

Although it doesn't claims against anything, I think that is a rebel song because its a divisions among two persons difficult to reconcile, because have done unpardonable things.


martes, 14 de octubre de 2014

My best summer

This summer for me was one of the best, although I haven't  moved of Catalonia, because it wasn't monotonous. We went to the beach, river, lake or pool, we also did camping and went to the paintball, that for me has been one the best experiences of the summer. But many days of July was raining and was boring, because only played with cards. Also there were days that we went to the football field, or at the beach and we played volleyball. This way we did sport too. Usually at night all stayed in the square or if there was a party of town there were going. Unfortunately as it was 16 years, the months of July and august I worked many days during the morning.

viernes, 10 de octubre de 2014

Email to the teacher


Hello my name is Adrià Vellvehí and I talk about me. I'm sixteen years old and live in Armentera, a little town near to the St Pere Pescador. I don't like to practice many sports because I get tired very fast and also because I'm a quite lazy. I think that I'm a person funny and extrovert with my friends and family but with the unknown people I'm more shy and reserved, this is related with the phobia scenic. Normally I don't like that the people make me many questions, because it's stressful, especially when I'm angry. Also I'm  a person with who can be trusted, but I in fact costs me trust with people, included with my friends. 

I decided to do Batxillerat because I believed that it was possible to pass and I would like go to university for study one engineering. The truth is that the research work scared me a little and I had to think hard. But I think that  i taken a good decision, because this it offers more possibilities.


Hello my name is Adrià Vellvehí and i talk about me. I think that I'm a one person funny and extrovert with my friends but with the unknown people I'm more shy and reserved, this is related with the phobia scenic. Also I am a person with who can be trusted, but I in fact costs me trust with people, included with my friends. I decided to do Batxillerat because I believed that it was possible to pass and I would like go to university for study one engineering. The truth is that the research work scared me a little and I had to think hard. But i think that  i taken a good decision, because this it offers more possibilities.