viernes, 10 de octubre de 2014

Email to the teacher


Hello my name is Adrià Vellvehí and I talk about me. I'm sixteen years old and live in Armentera, a little town near to the St Pere Pescador. I don't like to practice many sports because I get tired very fast and also because I'm a quite lazy. I think that I'm a person funny and extrovert with my friends and family but with the unknown people I'm more shy and reserved, this is related with the phobia scenic. Normally I don't like that the people make me many questions, because it's stressful, especially when I'm angry. Also I'm  a person with who can be trusted, but I in fact costs me trust with people, included with my friends. 

I decided to do Batxillerat because I believed that it was possible to pass and I would like go to university for study one engineering. The truth is that the research work scared me a little and I had to think hard. But I think that  i taken a good decision, because this it offers more possibilities.


Hello my name is Adrià Vellvehí and i talk about me. I think that I'm a one person funny and extrovert with my friends but with the unknown people I'm more shy and reserved, this is related with the phobia scenic. Also I am a person with who can be trusted, but I in fact costs me trust with people, included with my friends. I decided to do Batxillerat because I believed that it was possible to pass and I would like go to university for study one engineering. The truth is that the research work scared me a little and I had to think hard. But i think that  i taken a good decision, because this it offers more possibilities.

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