lunes, 8 de junio de 2015

Looking back

1. Can you see an improvement on your level of English in the past year/s? English post

Yes, because when I wrote texts the past year, I used simply vocabulary and too much the translate, but this year is not necessary for all.

2. Which activity best shows your level of English?

In the exams is where I show my bests marks.

3.Which activities did were really  USEFUL for you to improve your English? Why?

All the activities are useful for improve my english, but the activities that improves more my english are the writings and the grammar, because with the practise I structure better the texts that I write.

4. Which activities did you NOT find useful to learn English? Why not?

The presentations, because when I expose the topic I get nervous and fail the pronunciaton, and I need read because I don't remember the text. And the exams about phresal verbs, because after this I don't remember what I write on it.

5.Which activities would like to do again next year to keep on improving your English?

All the activities that I did this year are improving my English, some more and some less, but for me is important do all.

domingo, 7 de junio de 2015

Charlie Charlie Challenge

I can see this challenge on youtube many times on many videos of famous or not famous people.
Many videos have become viral, and this challenge, as many people say, invoke the demon of Charlie Charlie. The challenge is about to put two pencils, one above the other perpendicular on a paper that is divided into four parts (two of YES and two of NO), then, you make questions of YES or NO to the supposed spirit. Personally I think it's very false, and I find it shameful that most of people have won millions of visitors on his videos about this challenge.
Several scientists say that the only fact that makes to move the pencil is the gravity, because it's very difficult that the two pencils are perfectly in balance, or even the most minimum breath can makes to move it.

Quadriplegic Woman Moves Robot Arm With Her Mind

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quadriplegic uses mind-controlled prosthetic

Jan Scheuermann suffers from spinocerebellar degeneration, a genetic disease where connections between the brain and muscles slowly deteriorate. She is now tetraplegic, meaning that she is paralyzed from the neck down. She saw a video where a man could tetraplegic a robotic arm with a screen of a computer, so she also wanted to try.
The scientists developed microelectrode arrays that connect brain cells to electronic circuitry. They scanned Scheuermann's brain to determine exactly where to put these electronics. One week after of the operation, Scheuermann was adapt quickly to the prosthesis and controled it by her mind.
In a few years this will mean that anyone with a disability that prevents them using their extremities, could do things with less aid that currently, like this, will not need someone that help them during 24 hours a day.

Review: The hobbit: the battle of the five armies

This film is the third part of the trilogy of The Hobbit. It's important that you saw the others films, because if you didn't see the others, you don't know the beginning and the story.
The story continue with the dwarfs in Erebor. They are preparing for a battle against an army of elves led by King Thranduil, which seeks part of the treasure of dwarfs. But they are only thirteen dwarfs against thousands of soldiers. Meanwhile Bardo is defending the human village against Smaug (the dragon). After killing the dragon, the village was burned, people had to take refuge in Erebor. Bardo also wanted to claim part of the treasure of dwarfs, because part of this is pertinent of they. When the battle was to begin the army of dwarves appears. But soon after, a large army of orcs appears to kill all of them, for this reason humans, elves and dwarves join their forces to fight the orcs. When the orcs were ready to win the giant eagles appears, but meanwhile Azog and Thorin are fighting but finally kill each other. Finally the battle is won and orcs are annihilated, Bilbo says goodbye and returns to his home.
I expected much this film, because I keen on the two previous films. But I was disappointed because it has too many failures in the argument. For example, few animals appears for help the dwarfs, but during the film haven't said anything about them. Another example when Bilbo kills orcs only with stones in the head, and a few other things that suggest that the film was made quickly.

sábado, 6 de junio de 2015

We have made the world a better place. Do you agree?

The world is not a good place for everybody. In my opinion, if we can make it a good place for everybody, the people will change.
First, only few countries have the 80% of the resources of the world, like USA or Eurepoean countries. And other hundreds and hundreds countries only have the 20% of the resouces. This makles a big unequality betwen countries and people.
Second, the mosts powerful enterprises in the world have become richers and riches by the work of the poor people of the underdeveloped countries.
Third, and the most important, the people don't have knowledge about the dangerous of this capitalism society. Because the people consume amnd consume and don't stop. And one day the resources will be finished.
In conclusion, we haven't made the world a better place yet.