domingo, 7 de junio de 2015

Quadriplegic Woman Moves Robot Arm With Her Mind

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quadriplegic uses mind-controlled prosthetic

Jan Scheuermann suffers from spinocerebellar degeneration, a genetic disease where connections between the brain and muscles slowly deteriorate. She is now tetraplegic, meaning that she is paralyzed from the neck down. She saw a video where a man could tetraplegic a robotic arm with a screen of a computer, so she also wanted to try.
The scientists developed microelectrode arrays that connect brain cells to electronic circuitry. They scanned Scheuermann's brain to determine exactly where to put these electronics. One week after of the operation, Scheuermann was adapt quickly to the prosthesis and controled it by her mind.
In a few years this will mean that anyone with a disability that prevents them using their extremities, could do things with less aid that currently, like this, will not need someone that help them during 24 hours a day.

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