jueves, 19 de mayo de 2016

Barcino review

Luci Minici was a roman that had lived in Barcino. When he was 7 years old his father who had an important position in the roman army brought a young slave and his mother for work for his family. This slave called Teseu have the same age of Luci and became the nightmare of our protagonist during his childhood.
Teseu did some malicios actions but the family of Luci thinks that he have fault. Not until he is 16 years old that his mother realizes that who stole the jewels was the mother of Teseu and ordered to kill her, after that Teseu run away and disappears. After that Luci enlisted to the army with his father. During his years he got some titles and thanks that he met the emperor Adrià. They became friends easily because both were educated people.
One they during a carriage racing Luci realize that one of the charioteers was Teseu.
Luci who was a good chariotter too challenge Teseu a one race. If Teseu win he will be free, but if the winner is Luci, the former slave have to become a slave again. Teseu can't win to Luci and decide commite suicide before became a slave. 
Some years after when his father is in the bed about to die explain to Luci that Teseu was his son.


As we are at the end of the course, I can express what I experience in batxillerat.
My first thought was that year I had to work more than a quarter, which I didn't do so much. At first was a bit difficult start but then I carry on enought good. After I had been a bit stabilized, as we getting close to the end all the subjects was more harder for me because I considered it boring and I was easily distracted.
Actually this year (second high school) came with no desire to study although I did it. But as long I studied more for the subjects I was more unhappy, specially for one subject called history of filosofy, my eternal enemy. For this reason the third trimester I exploded. Although I thought at first I won't pass and this didn't matter to me, but I don't want to stay one year more in the high school.

Google takes right to be forgotten battle to France's highest court

Google is seeking to overturn a ruling that would greatly extend the remit of the right to be forgotten.

Google has delisted about 600000 search results after requests of doing so had been made in Europe, but these results appear anywhere outside Europe, because its law has no power there. 
However, CNIL thought this wasn't enough, and required google to apply the right to be forgotten worldwide. The firm has rejected the request, thus starting a 10 month of fights that lead to today appellation. 
Ken Walker, Google’s general counsel states that laws will be complied inside the countries in which these laws must be complied. The CNIL thinks that for right to be forgotten to be effective, information must be filtered globally.

The right to be forgotten is a difficult law to apply, and will lead to controversy and ethical disputes. I think Google should protect his database.
The CNIL doesn't have jurisdiction to dictate global laws nor control over any kind of activity carried out by google outside its domains. Google have the right to appeal, otherwise, the trust of the information could be manipulated by any country.

Don't try this at home: Colin Furze's crazy homemade hoverbike

Colin Furze has created a homemade hoverbike, and managed to avoid serious injury in the process

The hoverboards aren't a new thing. Many enterprises had made a lot of prototypes. Some of these are more complete than others, and can operate better. But one guy called Colin Furze make a homemade hoverbike with the financing of Ford.
The initial design had two motors and propellors mounted to the bottom of the frame and turning in the same direction, but this didn't go well and Furze switched to an S-shaped metal frame that allowed each propeller to rotate in opposite directions.
Although this crazy invention seems that it can't fly and looks close to crashing, this guy is able to control it but is difficult because with a simple spin the hoverboard moves too. Colin wants to incorporate more things like a stabilization system, but the machine can't hold this weight yet.

I saw more of his inventions and all of them are magnificent and crazy at the same time. If you imagine a crazy inventor, Colin Furze is your man.

miércoles, 18 de mayo de 2016

Hacker advertises details of 117 million LinkedIn users on darknet

LinkedIn logo

A hacker who allegedly owns the log information of over 100 million LinkedIn users is advertising the data for sale for the price of 5 bitcoins, approximately £1,500.
The data was hacked 4 years ago, and LinkedIn had reset the affected accounts. However, the amount of affected users is greater than what it expected.
Cory Scott, information security officer of the firm does not believe that this information was obtained through a security breach. The site is taking steps to invalidate the passwords of the accounts affected.

£1,500 are a bargain if we are talking about the information of more than 100 million users. The malicious possibilities of so much information are infinite. It seems like Cory Scott is trying to protect his workplace after this massive security breach, because I don’t know how a hacker can obtain the passwords without internet.

domingo, 1 de mayo de 2016

China's Massive Pollution is Indicative of Broader Problems

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China have a severe crisis about his enviroment because most of the cities have too much pollution in the air and in some cities it was 50 times the level the World Health Organization considers safe. But unfurtanetly seems that the Chinese goverment is unaware of this big problem.
In 2013 was celebrate the sixth annual Beijing Human Rights Forum. The theme was environmental rights. But the problem is that you can’t have meaningful environmental rights without other basic rights. And the Chinese government is violating them.
China have around 450 cancer villages (communities near factories or chemical plants where cancer rates far exceed national averages), but if this people ask for help to the govern they are ignored.
Although Beijing announced a commitment to addressing the environmental problem in China, the country have already many environmental protection laws, but they weren't apply.

All know about the big problem that China have with the pollution, but I think it's too difficult to solve because the Government always permit everything to the enterprises if these pay to it. And the Goverment are agree that the enterprises come to China because the value of the country rise but the people continue poor.

martes, 12 de abril de 2016

Human Rights

If all the people had the same privilleges the world would a beutifull place. But it is not true because if you go out of the Western World you will see images that you won't believe.If you think that poor people in your country are miserable you can't imagine what  the people that are poor feel in a poor country. And if you see the television the human rights of most of these people are violated. Human righs are only the rights you have simply because we are human. The human rights was created after the Second World War by the United Nations for in the future didn't do things like the past. But why, these people don't have anyone of all the thirty?
Well, this have a simply answer: We have the fault. Because we don't punish and we do nothing about the people that treat they like things only for make a profit for them. And the law most times can't do nothing about it. All of us know about the inequality of this world, but only few people have the mind for change this.

  • Freedom from unlawful detainment: Llibertat per detenció il·legal.
  • Fair and public trial: Judici just i plublic.
  • Fair employment and right to unionize: Treball just i dret a sindicalització.

martes, 5 de abril de 2016

Gamer with cerebral palsy given modified PS4 controller

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PS4 modified controller

Peter Byrne in his 22 years have a cerebral palsy. He is a gamer who enjoys play videogames in the Playstation.
But unfortunately the controller of the Playstation 4 have one touchpad that was a problem for him because his tremors made that he touched it several times when he was playing and this paused the game.
For this reason Peter contacted with Sony and explained his problem about the controller. Alex Nawabi from Sony's marketing team said he would investigate. He modified a Dual Shock 4 controller and sent it Peter Byrne. Nawabi said it took him around 10 hours and three attempts to create the new controller. But it only is a prototype and he didn't know he time that it will work.
Mr. Byrne is thankful with his present and with Alex Nawabi and now he can play normally how previously he did.

Thanks people like Alex Nawabi other people can enjoy the thing that he like to do. Because I don't think that a enterprise like Sony most of them don't thinks with these people that can't enjoy their products like a normal person.

domingo, 13 de marzo de 2016

'Captain America: Civil War' trailer marks debut of Tom Holland's Spider-Man

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This Thursday Marvel Studios publicated a new trailer of Captain America: Civil War, that shows us that Spider Man will be in the film played by actor Tom Holland. This isn't the first film that Holland plays a character in the Big Screen, but will have the pressure to equal the two previous Spider Man.
In the trailer you can see him taking the shield of the Captain. It means that Spider Man will be in the Iron Man's team at first.
I said team because the Marvel heroes will be confronted because the government make the decision to reign in superheroes and the Captain America doesn't agree this initiative but Iron Man accept it. And this started a dispute between superheroes.

Clash Royale

Clash Royale is new mobile game created by the same enterprise that has created Clash of Clans (one of the most popular game for mobiles). This enterprise called Supercell has its headquarters in Finland.
This game is causing a stir among people, and is normal because is very addictive, and is normal because is very addictive, and its simplicity and its gameplay is one of the main reasons as it's very well thought.
The game is to easy to understand. The pitch is divided in two areas, one is your area and the other the area of the enemy. You and your opponent have three towers in your respective areas. Win who can destroy more towers inside the time. You have eight kind of troops that you can throw in the pitch for win the enemy.

The car that runs on sunshine

(Credit: Stanford Solar Car Project)

You can think that this is a fake because the prototype seems that comes from the future but this car is real and it goes across the desert of Australia using the energy of the Sun.
Stanford Solar Car Project designs, builds, tests and races solar-powered vehicles as part of the World Solar Challenge (a travel that cross Australia, about 3200 kilometre). Because they want to develop vehicles that use less fuel.
This prototype that you can see in the video can runs about 89 km/h. And his design is to minimise drag. The team that developed this car wish that these in the future will become are more efficient and sustainable.
Of course this would be a good thing for the future if cars won't use fuel or only use a little quantity than now a days. But the solar energy isn't the best solution because in the past had already been created cars that could run with this energy and didn't go so well.

sábado, 12 de marzo de 2016

Deadpool review

Wade Wilson was a thug that had been a soldier of US Special Forces. One day fell in love with Vanessa (a prostitute). When his life seem that was good he was diagnosed with a terminal cancer. To save his life he was subjected to "Weapon X": a risky experiment that causes a genetic alteration in your body. After undergoing this complicated experiment, the face and body are horribly disfigured, but he acquired a big regeneration and abilities higher than the humans. For this reason decide to kill the person that did the experiment and his team. Deadpool attacked the convoy of cars Francis (the leader of the organization), demanding a cure for his disfigurement. The fight is suddenly interrupted by Colossus and Negasonic, that want that Deadpool join in the X-Men. Deadpool discovers that Vanessa has been kidnapped by Francis.
Deadpool decides to go against Francis with the help of Coloso and Negasonic and finally he is defeat and Wade obligate him to return his previous appearance, but Francis says that he really can't do that, Deadpool decides to kill him. Vanessa confronts Wade who apologizes for his escape, but Wade says that his appearance isn't the same and has the fears that Vanessa doesn't accept it, but finally they bring back together.

Can the Internet make the world a better place?

Internet has recently become one of the most important things in the Western World. In fact, Internet is the biggest social network that connects all the world and you can also find other social networks for your entertaintment.
Besides, this world wide web has the the potential and the possibilities to change this society. At first because it connects all the world and the people can put into it everything in seconds and all you can know news before television and newspaper, thanks to the Internet.
Furthermore, the world wide web, if you know where you can find good information, Internet is more trustful than television and newspaper because these are controlled by the countries and only say what the country wants to say. 
Unfortunately, many people put to Internet so much information that is false. For this reason you have to be careful with the sites that you can find information and always visit more than one site to corroborate this information.
In conclusion, Internet is a good tool to change the inequalities of this world. Because some people report bad actions that they see. It is possible that many of these inequalities won't exist in the future.


Obviously this wasn't my best presentation because I had some mistakes that you can see them immediately. I couldn't prepare so much this presentation because I didn't have time. For this reason the pronunciation wasn't good and I needed to read all the time.
Furthermore this presentation was about the Research Project and I haven't present it yet and this was another problem because I had to create the presentation from zero.

jueves, 10 de marzo de 2016

Oscars 2016: Leonardo DiCaprio Wins Best Actor

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Leonardo DiCaprio accepts the Oscar for Best Actor for the movie "The Revenant" at the 88th Academy Awards in Hollywood

After five Oscar nominations Leonardo DiCaprio finally get his first Academy Award at the age of 41 years, thanks to her performance in the movie The Revenant.
But the most impacting during this 88ª edition of the Oscars was not that DiCaprio won the award if not the speech that he added after he obtained the Oscar against the climate change, which was the following: "It is the most urgent threat facing our entire species and we need to work collectively together, and we need to support leaders around the world who do not speak for the big polluters and the big corporations but who speak for all of humanity."
I think that this speech is one of the best that someone can make and had been made in this famous celebration. And unfortunately for us is the all true.

martes, 8 de marzo de 2016

Landmarks of London

Big Ben and The Palace of Westminster

Definitely the Big Ben is the most representatives building of London and you must see minimum one time in your life because is a great monument. But you can't visit if you are a tourist. But you can visit The Palace of Westminster that is near of this. The The Palace was the residence of the Kings of England from the eleventh to the sixteenth century. In 1834 almost all the Palace of Westminster was destroyed by fire. This palace, is one of four World Heritage sites of the city of London.
To go to Westminster Palace first you need to walk to High Street Kensington Station and then take the bus. This will leave you on Westminster Station. From here you walk again since there to Westminster Palace.

Resultat d'imatges de big ben

Buckingham Palace

If you go to london you can't leave if you don't see one of the most important landmarks of there, The Buckingham Palace. This is the home and offices of Her Majesty Elizabeth II, the Queen of England. Every autumn, when the royal family are away from the Palace, the State Rooms are open to the public. The most interesting thing that you can watch is the changing of the guard, a military ceremony which takes place at 11:30am and lasts for approximately forty-five minutes.
To go to Buckingham Palace first you need to walk to High Street Kensington Station and then take the bus. This will leave you on St. James's Park. From here you walk again since there to Buckingham Palace.

Resultat d'imatges de buckingham palace

The Tower of London

Is a historic castle located on the north bank of the River Thames in central London. I think that is important visit this site because has had an interesting past. Over the last ten centuries the tower has been a palace, a prison an arsenal and even a zoo. But now a days keep the Crown Jewels and is considered a World Heritage Site.
To go to Tower of London first walk to High Street Kensington Station and take the bus and this will leave you on Tower Hill. From here you walk again since there to The Tower of London.

Resultat d'imatges de tower of london

sábado, 27 de febrero de 2016

'Superman Memory Crystal' Could Store Data for 13.8 Billion Years

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Researchers of the University of Southampton, in the United Kingdom with Isaac Newton's scientific treatise "Opticks", have developed a way to store data for billions of years, using nanostructured glass. These files are pieces of glass the size of a coin that can resist billions of years at a constant temperature approximately 200 degrees. The researchers claim that the disk are stable until to 1.000 degrees, and each glass disk has the capacity of 360 terabytes. 
Kazan, a professor of the University, and his colleagues in 2013 at the Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics in California reported their 5D data storage.
They use fematosecond lasers to inscribe information in nanostructured dots. These nano-size etchings polarize light that travels through the glass. A combination of a polarizing lens and an optical microscope can decode the files.

domingo, 21 de febrero de 2016

Bad use of technology

Now a days I don't see the television because I don't enjoy the content, where before I watched so much it. For this reason, recently, I see series and many videos of youtube on my computer. But, unfortunately, sometimes this have bad consequences, because while I do homework I watch a video that don't allow to focus all of me on my work. The smartphone, also is a bad thing to have near of you. Because is so easy that you take it and watch some social network. This simple movement of the hands will make you lose half an hour or more.
For this reason, if you want to end some work appropriately and eficiente and if you don't want to distract with other things, is better if you don't take on the phone and if the work doesn't require the computer is better not use it because you will be tempted to look social networks for your entertainment.

sábado, 30 de enero de 2016

Abstract of research paper

The project has two parts: The first is the theoretical part, which explains the history of Golden ratio, how it changes the vision of science and its attributes and characteristics. Also, this number appears in an amount of artworks, like "La Gioconda" of Leonardo da Vinci and "The Last Supper" of the same artist, and I show how the artist used it.
The second part is the practical where I am focus on the Golden ration in nature. I mesure persons because I wanted to know if we have the Golden ratio in the body and thanks to this we know if we are "perfect".

lunes, 18 de enero de 2016

Doctors weigh in on dangers of Wi-Fi signal exposure

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All the people that you meet use a mobile phone and most of them a smartphone. And its necessary Wi-Fi or 3G if you aren't in home for to use apps like whatsapp, instagram or twitter. Possibly you and most of the people that use them don't know the danger of this and the consequences that can produce. Particularly this is too bad for children, because their heads are less dense and transmission can be increased. But nowadays, unfortunately they use the smartphone from an early age.
A study with animals that they are exposed to microwave radiation which are used in Wi-fi and cell phones have fewer neurons in their fetuses. For this reason we need to take care using this technology and use some solutions that help us to reduce this radiation.
One of the best solutions (if you can't stop to use the mobile) to reduce this microwave radiation is turn on the airplane mode when we go to sleep.

domingo, 10 de enero de 2016

'El Chapo' returned to Mexico Altiplano prison

Mexican drug lord Joaquin "El Chapo" Guzman is the leader of one of the world's most powerful and violent drug cartels. He escaped six month ago from the maximum-security prison (Altiplano jail). But now he has been recaptured and sent back to it. Guzman was arrested on Friday in the city of Los Mochis in his home state of Sinaloa. In a shootout for arrest him, six people are have been killed, one of them was a marine.
But this flight wasn't the first, because in 1993 was arrested in Guatemala and escaped from Puente Grande jail in 2001 thanks he bribe the officials.
One of the reasons that Chapo Guzman was captured is because actors and productors localized and contacted with him in the hope of making a film about his life.