sábado, 27 de diciembre de 2014

Air umbrella produces a "force field" of air to keep you dry

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A team of Chinese researchers have invented an umbrella that uses a field air to stop the water.This uses a lithium battery that powers a motor and a fan that diverts the water using airflow that arrive until to the tip. The umbrella can shelter two persons or even more.
The team designed three models of umbrellas. Each larger than the last and with more battery.

Personally, I think it isn't a wise idea, because who want to buy an umbrella that can be finished the battery, seems quite uncomfortable to bring and surely the price will be higher than normal.
Furthermore, is only one umbrella, is not very important for the society that this will evolved technologically.

viernes, 26 de diciembre de 2014

These 3D-Printed Casts Use Ultrasound to Heal Your Body Fast

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3D cast1

Everyone at some time has broken a bone, and it has been quite some time for recovery. But thanks to the design of a Turkish student, Denis Karasahin, this on few years, will not occur. This invention consists in a cast made in 3D printer, that let a space between the broken bone, where you apply the ultrasonic treatment that allow a much faster recovery of the patient. This mold is too much more hygienic than the ancients, and easier to remove.

In the moment when this will applied in healthcare, will be a great progress, because who wants to wait weeks for to be back good when you can be just a few days.

viernes, 12 de diciembre de 2014

Fashion test

Office Master

39% Flamboyance, 44% Originality, 45% Deliberateness, 36% Sexiness

Your style is professional. Your clothes always fit the situation and you probably never offend people by, say, wearing pink to a funeral. You just know what becomes. You don't like extravagance too much and you're not accidental. Your well chosen, stylish outfits communicate that you're a serious person. Following classic rules about dressing, you make sure that no one would call you flashy and many people admire your calm, composed look.

Your Analysis (Vertical line = Average)

  • Flamboyance Distribution
    You scored 39% on Flamboyance, higher than 42% of your peers.
  • Originality Distribution
    You scored 44% on Originality, higher than 25% of your peers.
  • Deliberateness Distribution
    You scored 45% on Deliberateness, higher than 16% of your peers.
  • Sexiness Distribution
    You scored 36% on Sexiness, higher than 13% of your peers.

domingo, 30 de noviembre de 2014

Final exams

These last two weeks, there was the finals exams of the quarter. So I produced a pretty big stress, because the works was accumulate with the exams. I don't know that I have do because all was mixed and I was confusing. I'm almost give up, because I am suspending several subjects and ask me to leave of the high school, but I had decided do batxillerat so I don't have to surrender to this,

The best age

Comparison between book and film

A continuació I will explain the main differences between the book "The Best of Times" and the film "thirteen."


  • The two guys have a separated parents.
  • They know people who have negative influence.
  • The marks of the exams passed to approve to suspend.
  • They had a loving relationship.
  • They leave aside the old friends.
  • They consume alcohol and drugs.
  • Chee Seng return with old friends, but Tracy is left alone.
  • Tracy was only 13 years and She Seng 16 years, and that makes her decisions are more immature.
  • His new friends are rich, but her new friend are poor.
  • Chee Seng decides to willingly put aside his new friends.

Review: Divergent

The story takes place in a future alternative to the city of Chicago, where everything is destroyed by one war. The city is independent, don't have contact with the outside world. The city is divided into five factions: abnegation, amity, erudite, candor and dauntless, and the none faction. Who heads the government are the abnegation. When they comply 16 years, the guys of the all factions do the tests to decide which faction you want to go, if you stay with the family,or go to another faction.
Beatrice Prior, a abnegation girl, along with his brother must pass these tests. Beatrice, in this discovered that she was a divergent , which may belonged to  different factions. At the end of this test, she decides to go to dauntless, and he to erudition.
In there she overcome one test for become a one member of dauntless. And this is where he falls in love with his coach, Four. He also is a divergent.
At the end of the tests, all members of dauntless must inject on her-self a chip, which is supposed to be of monitoring but actually serves to control them. Because erudition, as of dauntless wants to destroy abnegation and create to a new government. They when all finalized, go to the Amity faction with a few Abnegation members who have survived.

I liked the book more than the movie, because it  so internalizes more the characters and the story is not so direct. Further I prefered some things in my imagination, not as they are in the movie.



sábado, 29 de noviembre de 2014

Oral presentation: Rites of passage





Bullet ant glove

I think that is quite good, but is improvable. Pronunciation that I did was not much well and I read too much, without looking to the people. But the content, for me was really good, and had a good structure.

My favorite toy in childhood

My favorite toy with difference is the lego. If I remember my childhood, I don't remember a day without playing with them. When i was 2 years old, my parents already bought legos. I've never had Playmobil since these can not be built and never liked.
The reason that I liked and still like me, but I no longer play but I like to build them, because they are highly variable, especially if you buy a lot legos, and I never bored because it was very kind of them, and I think that I have some thousand pieces, or more.
The truth, although I have grown, I would continue to build legos, although it may be considered that I am big enough to stuff.

domingo, 23 de noviembre de 2014

Revolutionary Nanopatch Will Give People Vaccines Without Needles

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Those who don't like vaccines can already be happy. Because  Australia’s Vaxxas, have created the Nanopatch.
This device is about as big as a dime and causes little to no pain when applied. The vaccine is coated onto thousands of pins that only penetrate the top layer of the skin. These vaccines according Vaxxas CEO David Hoey involve less cost and they take less time prepared before injecting to the skin. But it will be several more years of testing before the Nanopatch is available for use.

I think it's a scientific breakthrough. Because it has so less risks, for example as a needle-stick injury, as well as be less expensive to manufacture, and this will allow surely that the people don't have to pay much for them.



sábado, 22 de noviembre de 2014

My favourite serie "Game of Throne"

Then talk about my favorite serie "Game of Throne",written by George R.R. Martin.
One year ago I started watching it, because I listening that it was a fine serie, and I watch that the people to the network spoke well about this.
So that intrigued I looked the first chapter. The truth the first chapter wasn't shocked much to me, but I decided to continue.
To the extent that I go looking chapters the history improved, and yes from here on I was hooked. I couldn't stop watching this, it was once and again. What I like the most and I was captivated is the plot, because you never expect what happens in the last episode of the season, and play with your brain because you expect another thing.
In this serie you only can deduce one thing, if you like a character, this will die.

New hybrid aircraft turns into car upon landing

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News link

Who has not dreamed of a car that can be transformed with helicopter and airplane.
So from here a few years this it will not be longer a dream. Because the company based in Arizona, Krossblade Aerospace Systems, although missing years, so far only are designs. This company was working with the best hybrid technology, there is a vehicle developme that allows go by road, function as an helicopter and fly like airplane.
This vehicle with mode airplane can go to about 500 km/h, thanks to its electric motor 320 cv.

For me this car will be very useful in the future, because allow reach inaccessible areas such as mountains, and can go depresa if there is any emergency.
The truth, for me is tempting to imagine the future with these vehicles flying above you.

viernes, 21 de noviembre de 2014

My broken computer

Two weeks ago my computer was broken. This caused many problems.
First and the most obvious is that I couldn't do school work, because the only computer I had was the small laptop, and this was very slow and aground very much. And my character  complicated the situation, because I stress very fast.
Other problems that caused, I had an arguments with my parents because I wanted a computer and they were not sure if bought it. Also represents a significant expenditure of money because I'm not satisfied with any computer. Finally they agreed to buy the computer, even though I paid part of this.

Fairy Tale


Once upon a time all of princes chatting to whatsapp group and organized a big party.
That night the princess drank. Sleeping Beauty had an ethyl coma and she fainted. Snow withe ate an applle with drugs and seven dwarfs went with her in a room, and they raped her. After that Beauty smoked a lot of weed and flirted with an ugly man. Then Fione had a lot of sex with Shrek and after that she got pregnant. Later Rapunzel mixed smoke weed and drink alcohol and she rosed on the roof.
Finally all of princess woke up and none of them reme anything that had happened last night.

domingo, 26 de octubre de 2014

Teens Walk Into Busy Apple Store And Film Themselves Bending The iPhone 6

News link

A lot of people know the new iPhone 6 and its problems of bending.                         
So to demonstrate that it's true, two boys went to the Apple store one day after iPhone 6 went out in the market, and began to bend all iPhones that they found in the store.

I think what these two guys did, was very daring, although it is a wrongdoing, and should not be done, I understand his reason. Because I believe that what Apple is doing it's a scam, but who want to pay hundreds of dollars for a defective mobile.                                                
Apple, at the time of outcry of the people against ease that bends the iPhone 6 have to apologize to the people for the defective product, at minimum.

Rebel song


   I remembered black skies
 Recordava cels negres
The lightning all around me
El llamp al meu voltant
I remembered each flash
Recordava cada flash
As time began to blur
Amb el temps va començar a desdibuixar
Like a startling sign
Com un alarmant signe
That fate had finally found me
Que el destí finalment m'havia trobat
And your voice was all I heard
I la teva veu va ser tot el que vaig sentir
That I get what I deserve
Que em mereixo
So give me reason

Així que em donen la raó
To prove me wrong
Per demostrar que estic equivocat
To wash this memory clean
Per rentar aquesta memòria neta
Let the floods cross the distance in your eyes
Deixa que s'inundi la distància entre els teus ulls
Give me reason
Dóna'm la raó
To fill this hole
Per omplir aquest forat
Connect the space between
Connecteu l'espai entre
Let it be enough to reach the truth that lies
 Que sigui suficient per assolir la veritat que es troba
Across this new divide

A través d'aquesta nova divisió
There was nothing in sight
No hi havia res a la vista 
But memories left abandoned
Però records abandonats 
There was nowhere to hide
No hi havia cap lloc per amagar
The ashes fell like snow
Les cendres com la neu va caure 
And the ground caved in
I el terreny cedit
Between where we were standing
Entre on estàvem aturats 
And your voice was all I heard
I la teva veu va ser tot el que vaig sentir
That I get what I deserve
Que em mereixo
So give me reason

Així que em donen la raó
To prove me wrong
Per demostrar que estic equivocat 
To wash this memory clean
Per rentar aquesta memòria neta
Let the floods cross the distance in your eyes
Deixa que s'inundi la distància entre els teus ulls
Across this new divide
A través d'aquesta nova divisió
In every loss in every lie
En totes les pèrdues en cada mentida
In every truth that you'd deny
En veritat tots els que et neguen
And each regret and each goodbye
I cada lament i cada adéu
Was a mistake too great to hide
Va ser un error massa gran com per ocultar
And your voice was all I heard
I la teva veu va ser tot el que vaig sentir
That I get what I deserve
Que em mereixo
So give me reason

Així que em donen la raó
To prove me wrong
Per demostrar que estic equivocat
To wash this memory clean
Per rentar aquesta memòria neta
Let the floods cross the distance in your eyes
Deixa que s'inundi la distància entre els teus ulls
Give me reason
Dóna'm la raó
To fill this hole
Per omplir aquest forat
Connect the space between
Connecteu l'espai entre
Let it be enough to reach the truth that lies
Que sigui suficient per assolir la veritat que es troba
Across this new divide
A través d'aquesta nova divisió
Across this new divide
A través d'aquesta nova divisió
Across this new divide
A través d'aquesta nova divisió

Although it doesn't claims against anything, I think that is a rebel song because its a divisions among two persons difficult to reconcile, because have done unpardonable things.


martes, 14 de octubre de 2014

My best summer

This summer for me was one of the best, although I haven't  moved of Catalonia, because it wasn't monotonous. We went to the beach, river, lake or pool, we also did camping and went to the paintball, that for me has been one the best experiences of the summer. But many days of July was raining and was boring, because only played with cards. Also there were days that we went to the football field, or at the beach and we played volleyball. This way we did sport too. Usually at night all stayed in the square or if there was a party of town there were going. Unfortunately as it was 16 years, the months of July and august I worked many days during the morning.

viernes, 10 de octubre de 2014

Email to the teacher


Hello my name is Adrià Vellvehí and I talk about me. I'm sixteen years old and live in Armentera, a little town near to the St Pere Pescador. I don't like to practice many sports because I get tired very fast and also because I'm a quite lazy. I think that I'm a person funny and extrovert with my friends and family but with the unknown people I'm more shy and reserved, this is related with the phobia scenic. Normally I don't like that the people make me many questions, because it's stressful, especially when I'm angry. Also I'm  a person with who can be trusted, but I in fact costs me trust with people, included with my friends. 

I decided to do Batxillerat because I believed that it was possible to pass and I would like go to university for study one engineering. The truth is that the research work scared me a little and I had to think hard. But I think that  i taken a good decision, because this it offers more possibilities.


Hello my name is Adrià Vellvehí and i talk about me. I think that I'm a one person funny and extrovert with my friends but with the unknown people I'm more shy and reserved, this is related with the phobia scenic. Also I am a person with who can be trusted, but I in fact costs me trust with people, included with my friends. I decided to do Batxillerat because I believed that it was possible to pass and I would like go to university for study one engineering. The truth is that the research work scared me a little and I had to think hard. But i think that  i taken a good decision, because this it offers more possibilities.

martes, 10 de junio de 2014

Bye Bye ESO

It seems like yesterday. I remember my first day in the centre, when we arrived and we didn't know anything about our new class, of the ESO. Now, four years have passed and we're from the end. After summer we'll start a different step of our lives and I'm really looking forward for it, although I will miss a lot ESO. When I think of this four years in the high school, I can remember many things, the great people I've met, but also the bad people, many special moments. The ESO has been one of the best and the worst experiences in my life.

martes, 3 de junio de 2014

Describing a photo

Photo of a person on a motorbiked at Everest base camp 

In this photo, I can see one place in the midle of nowhere, the sky is starry because there isn't any light polution. This person of the midle of this photo ride his motorcycle to the camping. In the background I can see many mountains, this demonstrates that  is a elevation place.
This place seems peaceful and one place on meditate. The people of the camping maybe is here because make an expedition and go more up.

3 experiences I have learnt something from...

viernes, 30 de mayo de 2014

My first experiense by plane

My first experience flying by plane was when I went to Germany for the travel the end of the course.
At first I was afraid to get on the plane, and when I was within this I was terrified, but as we get took off, the fear and the panic were disappearing. Finally i liked this experience, even I found it amusing.
I also was afraid to go by plane, because I did not like having to pass controls.

jueves, 8 de mayo de 2014

Interesting news

Is this the world's first emo robot?

The humanoid robot was unveiled to curious onlookers in Tokyo stores by SoftBank, a Japanese telecom giant and Aldebaran, a French robotics company. Pepper doesn't look much like its name. Standing under four-feet tall with a tablet computer mounted to its chest, it has human-like hands and a mermaid like lower torso  though its toddler like voice seems incongruous with this state-of-the-art facade. Despite the high-pitched voice, Pepper is able to converse about everything from the weather, to more sophisticated topics like the latest fluctuations in the stock markets.

A customer leans over to hear Pepper\'s chirpy, childlike voice.

martes, 6 de mayo de 2014

My best experiences in Berlin

I went to Berlin (Germany) on Tuesday 22nd of April with the students of 4eso. We went to Barcelona by bus and after that we took a plane to Berlin. The first thing we did was going to the hostel and leave the bags.

During all these days we visited many historical monuments in Berlin: the Brandenburg Gate, the Reichtag, the Berlin Wall and many types of museums. For this reason at the end of the day we were so tired.
But my favourite day is the day in the zoo, because it was the more fun day and I could see many different species of animals.

martes, 1 de abril de 2014

Tourist interviuw

Where are you from?
Is it the first time that you are in Spain?
How did come here? By plane, ship or train?
By plane.

Why are you in Barcelona?
Just for pleasure.
How long are you going to stay here?
Four days.
Are you travelling with family or friends?
With my wife.
What have you visited up to now?
We've just arrived.
What do you like the most?
We don't know yet.

Have you bought any presents?
How do you get around in the ity, by underground, car, bus or on foot?
By bus.
Do you know any words in Catalan or Spanish?
Yes; uno, dos, tres.
Have you tried any typical Spanish or Catalan food?
Do you think Barcelona is expensive?

Do you see any differences from your country?
Oh yes.

Is there anything you don't like?
I don't know yet.

Would you recommend Barcelona to your family or friends?
I guess so.
Will you come back again?
I hope so.

domingo, 9 de marzo de 2014

A world Heritage Site

Kremlin and Red Square, Moscow

Inextricably linked to all the most important historical and political events in Russia since the 13th century, the Kremlin (built between the 14th and 17th centuries by outstanding Russian and foreign architects) was the residence of the Great Prince and also a religious centre. At the foot of its ramparts, on Red Square, St Basil's Basilica is one of the most beautiful Russian Orthodox monuments.

Inscription date in the WHS list:
The date of inscription on WHS list are in the 1990.

Why do you feel attracted to this place?
Because it's a unique construction in the world, and I think it's impossible that someone has designed this work of art.


sábado, 1 de marzo de 2014

I can talk about music

My favourite type of music are the pop and the catalan rock. My favourite singer of pop is Avicii and my favourite band of catalan rock are Els Catarres.

Emerged in the music industry in 2008 when he was 18 years old, to make a remix of the song of the Commodore 64 game, Lazy Jones. This produced his first sale with Strike Recordings, with the title of Lazy Lace.In April 2008, Avicii released his first own production, Manman, by Pete Tong record label, Bedroom Bedlam, after winning the contest of Pete Tong "Fast Trax". Avicii received 70% of the votes and after the launch made contact with many record labels, promotersand booking agencies from all over the world.
My favorite song of Avicci is Hey brother.

Els Catarres:
The group was formed the end of 2010 and began his career playing in bars and Crafts Fair of Aiguafreda. The first group of songs was available exclusively to Internet. Thanks to one of them, "Jenifer", they rose to fame in 2011 In June 2011, the YouTube video of the song "Jenifer" reached 200,000 visits and approaching the middle of September early October 800.000.A reached one million copies and received a multitude of versions. During the summer of 2011 had a hundred scheduled concerts throughout Catalonia.
My favourite song of Els Catarres is Invencibles.

jueves, 27 de febrero de 2014

I can talk about the media

I don't use any means of medias apart from television and the Internet, because I think they are outdated. But i don't use the Internet and the TV to inform me, I use these for have fun me and spend time. But sometimes my parents watching the news on TV, and i see the news too. For the radio i only listen music .

New Year Resolution

My resolution for the new year 2014 are:
- To do more sport and exercise.
- To learn more English.
- To use less the translator.
- Eat more healthy food.


martes, 11 de febrero de 2014

What do you think about Shakespeare?

Have you seen any of his plays?
No, because I have never been interesting Shekespeare.
Have you seen any moviesbased on Shakespeare’s plays?
Yes, I saw "The Lion King " which is based on Hamlet.
Which play would like to see the most and why?
None, because I think they are very boring.

martes, 4 de febrero de 2014

A love song


The song descrived the love between brothers.


Hey brother, there’s an endless road to re-discover.
Hey sister, know the water's sweet but blood is thicker.
Oh, if the sky comes falling down for you,
There’s nothing in this world I wouldn’t do.

Hey brother, do you still believe in one another?
Hey sister, do you still believe in love, I wonder?
Oh, if the sky comes falling down for you,
There’s nothing in this world I wouldn’t do.

What if I'm far from home?
Oh, brother I will hear you call.
What if I lose it all?
Oh, sister I will help you out!
Oh, if the sky comes falling down for you,
There’s nothing in this world I wouldn’t do.

Hey brother, there’s an endless road to re-discover.
Hey sister, do you still believe in love, I wonder?
Oh, if the sky comes falling down for you,
There’s nothing in this world I wouldn’t do.

What if I'm far from home?
Oh, brother I will hear you call.
What if I lose it all?
Oh, sister I will help you out!
Oh, if the sky comes falling down for you,
There’s nothing in this world I wouldn’t do.

jueves, 2 de enero de 2014

I can talk about sport

I don't do any sport after the high school in one team, because I do not like the sport too much, but I like to play with my friends in any sport, especially we play football, because my friend have a small football field where we had fun  and have a good time. But not always play football, sometimes we play football or tennis, but we prefer football than tennis and basketball.
